My good friend from Virginia, whom I’ve known since we were in diapers, has been trying to make his marriage work for quite some time now. But, when I asked him about his progress last week, he told me about the moment he finally realized his marriage was over. He and his wife were discussing their annual family vacation, and it finally sunk in. He just couldn’t envision a future with her anymore, because she was a ghost of her former self. He had also changed, they no longer fit together.
It’s a lesson, I’ve come to realize myself. What initially seemed like a perfect fit, sometimes turns out not to be so perfect – and it’s ok. Relationships are investments and like every investment, you nourish them and watch them grow. But sometimes, they can’t withstand the weather and they wither and die. Sure, you had hopes and fantasized about what would have been, but when all those dreams are dashed, it’s time to set sails to your next destination.
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