I was talking to one of my classmates the other day and the conversation quickly turned to relationships and cheating. Specifically, the allure of cheating.
Why do some people cheat on their partners? My theory is because they are ensnared by the thrill of eluding detection. The fear and excitement most people feel before cheating ultimately leads to…you guessed it, more cheating. Some people figure if they could get away with it once, they might get away with it a second time, a third and so forth. So it becomes this endless cycle of wanting to recreate that euphoric feeling, even if it involves getting away with something that is morally reprehensible.
Here are just a few other reasons why people cheat:
1. They need the attention, for some, cheating is like sustenance for their self-esteem.
2. Their current relationship is lacking in the sex department.
3. To keep up appearances. You heard me! some people feel the need to prove something they are desperate to believe about themselves.
4. Impulse control issues.
5. They’re concerned primarily with their own interests. What’s that condition called again? oh yes, being selfish.
6. Lastly, they’re just plain bored.
Would you ever cheat on your partner? have you ever considered it? weigh in.
In case you’re interested, common facts most people don’t know!
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