can sometimes be an additional character in literature. At times, it can
even be more suggestive than the text itself. Style of dress does not only connote the
era of a novel but a character’s temperament, rank and can even give us a glimpse of cultural expectations. Various authors have employed fashion to convey some truly powerful and on occasion radical messages to readers. Fashion can be a persuasive tool indeed.
can sometimes be an additional character in literature. At times, it can
even be more suggestive than the text itself. Style of dress does not only connote the
era of a novel but a character’s temperament, rank and can even give us a glimpse of cultural expectations. Various authors have employed fashion to convey some truly powerful and on occasion radical messages to readers. Fashion can be a persuasive tool indeed.
However, I’m not going to delve into fashion and its significance in classic literature. This posting is of the light-hearted variety and is only meant to showcase the aesthetics of fashion.
Take a look at some literary inspired fashion below:
Lewis Carroll – Alice in Wonderland
Alice sans the Mad Hatter. Fashionable tea party, for one.
F. Scott Fitzgerald – The Great Gatsby
I can almost picture Daisy at one of Mr. Gatsby’s lavish soiree’s in one of these slinky numbers, the epitome of class and sophistication (outward appearances can be so deceiving).
Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice
While the always feisty and quick-witted Elizabeth Bennet is one of my favorite literary female characters, her good-natured older sister Jane is better suited for this ethereal gown.
William Gibson – The Miracle Worker
This young woman embodies the modern version of the confident and often times brash Annie Sullivan, she even has the shades to boot!
J.D. Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye
What can I say about the ultimate literary cynic? He certainly loves his red hunting cap. Holden Caulfield is the quintessential preppy juvenile delinquent.
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