The word anti-aging is slowly being phased out. The Royal Society for Public Health, Vision, Voice, and Practice is encouraging retailers to ban the term anti-aging and replace it with more positive labels. I couldn’t agree more, you simply cannot anti-age (it sets an unattainable beauty standard for women). However, you can delay the process by taking steps to prevent wrinkles, which will help you look younger than your years. The best thing you can do for your aging skin is to be consistent in your skincare habits. Read ahead to learn what products and tips you should be incorporating in your beauty regimen.
Apply sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection
If you want to look younger, you need to take steps to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. One of the best things you can do for your skin is to apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Even if you’re vigilant about sunscreen application, there are other ways to protect your skin from the sun. You can stay indoors, seek shade during peak sun hours, or cover up with a stylish hat and long sleeve attire.
*Did you know? The American Academy of Dermatology calls the process in which the sun’s ultraviolet radiation prematurely ages the skin photoaging.
Avoid indoor tanning
Just like the sun, tanning beds expose you to harmful UV rays, which will hasten the aging process and also increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
Have a Pampering Routine
Avoid using harsh soaps on your skin. Instead, wash your face with a mild cleanser, preferably one that is formulated for your unique skin type. If you choose, take your pampering routine to the next level by trying a face mask. They help to hydrate the skin, remove excess oil and extract impurities.
Use a Daily Moisturizer
Your skin becomes drier as you age, which means you’re more likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles. By using a daily moisturizer, you’re essentially trapping water beneath the surface of your skin, which will result in a healthy, more youthful appearance.
Use a Retinoid/Retinol
Retinoids are a class of compounds derived from vitamin A. They’re often used to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, but they do so much more. They also help with acne, diminish oil production, alleviate redness, improve skin texture, even out hyperpigmentation and stimulate the production of collagen.
Retinoids contain higher concentrations of retinoic acid than retinols and are only available through prescription. Retinols, however, can be found over-the-counter in face creams and serums. While both are derivatives of vitamin A, experts recommend trying retinol-based products before moving on to retinoids because they’re easier on the skin.
Ditch the Cigarettes
Tobacco is loaded with harmful chemicals like lead and arsenic. All these toxins can cause a dreadful condition known as smoker’s face. Signs of smoker’s face include sallow discoloration, premature lines and wrinkles, and leathery skin. Don’t believe me? See how smoking changes your appearance over time.
Skip the Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol can lead to liver damage, cell damage and decreased immunity. All these factors will
Eat a Healthy, balanced diet
Optimize your nutrition and your skin will be all the better for it. Take steps to minimize your junk food cravings and reach for antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables instead. You should also consume lean proteins and healthy fats from fish and nuts.
Stay Hydrated
Every cell in your body needs water to work efficiently and your skin is no exception. By drinking the recommended amount of water daily (3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women), you’ll rid your system of harmful toxins. This will help keep your skin clear and free from acne.
Get your beauty sleep
When you’re sleep-deprived, one of the first things to suffer is your skin. When you don’t get quality sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to an uptick in stress and inflammation in the body. Sleep gives your skin ample time to renew itself, so make it a priority every single night.
Reduce your cosmetology visits
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, botulinum toxin (Botox) procedures have spiked 28 percent since 2010 among 20 to 29-year-olds. However, experts caution that excessive cosmetology visits will age you at a faster rate. For example: If you get too many injections on your marionette lines, the muscles around that area will weaken over time and result in thinner, looser skin. That’s because your other facial muscles will go into overdrive to support those that have been frozen by Botox injections.
Exercise Weekly
When you exercise your skin produces sebum, a natural moisturizer. Moderate exercise can also increase blood flow to the skin, which may result in a more youthful appearance.
Plus: Are You Reaping the Benefits of this Powerhouse Skincare Ingredient!?