(ig-zot-it) – Having
a strange or bizarre allure, beauty, or quality.
aware of the narrow standard of beauty in America. It’s all about refined
facial features (symmetrical face, eyes not too narrow or wide, button nose,
full lips). Along with the perfect visage, cascading lustrous hair, a tiny waist and a hefty chest are guaranteed to propel anyone into the coveted HOT category.
Now, I’m not
saying that it’s wrong to find those aspects of the human body beautiful.
Every culture has its own idea of beauty and the elements I’ve just stated just
happen to be ours. However, I do think our ideas of what’s considered beautiful
are in many ways underdeveloped. Although shows like America’s Next Top Model continuously strive to represent the antithesis of
“safe beauty” (commercial beauty often known as the girl next door appeal), we still
haven’t made much progress in emphasizing a more unconventional type of appearance.
Perhaps it’s because upon further inspection, those shows contradict their so-called message of universal beauty at every turn.
More people need to open their eyes to an encompassing idea of beauty and realize that our views on the subject are not the only
ones that exist. There is an entire world out there brimming with different yet intriguing beauty but we are too preoccupied with our own ideals to even notice it. Broadening our perception of beauty will certainly aid us in incorporating our society’s archetype with ones from other cultures. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?
look at some exotic beauties from around the globe.
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