1. Sometimes, I forget to eat. I don’t have an eating disorder or anything but I get so engrossed in whatever I’m doing that the whole eating to survive thing just gets away from me. It’s a terrible habit, I’m working on breaking myself out of it.
2. I love, love, love to read! my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice, I just fell in love with it after I
read it in high school.
3. I also love, love, love to write. I thank you all for stopping by my little corner. I appreciate you, all of you. Yes, even you anonymous.
4. I think the right side of my face is significantly less attractive than the left.
5. I’m the grouchiest morning person you will ever encounter. I’m also quite clumsy, I fall all the time. The last time I took a tumble (a few months ago), I ended up in the emergency room.
6. I love trying new restaurants! I don’t understand why certain people decide they absolutely hate a dish without ever trying it.
7. I will give the homeless all of the money in my purse. I cannot walk by someone who’s in obvious need of help without thinking “what if that were me?” wouldn’t I want a stranger to lend me a helping hand?
8. I’m loyal, to a fault.
9. It’s easy for me to detach myself from others once I’ve been wronged by them. I can’t explain it, once something I deem unforgivable happens, I just feel nothing. My mom’s the same way, perhaps it’s hereditary. On the bright side, (bad) breakups are a breeze.
10. Whenever I’m sad, I lock my room, put on my iPod and dance to Katy Perry’s “Firework” in my undies.” Her latest single “Roar” works too. Don’t judge me.
11. When I’m in a terrible mood, I go to Bryant Park. I can’t explain it, but it just makes me feel better.
12. I always make a wish when I see a full moon. “When you wish upon a star, doesn’t matter who you are.”
13. As a child, I thought I’d grow up to write the next great American novel. I figure still have plenty of time.
14. I used to get debilitating anxiety attacks, to the point where I would avoid other people. I still get them from time-to-time but I’ve learned how to better manage the episodes.
15. I collect snow globes. I used to have an extensive collection but they were unfortunately stolen. I’m 100 percent sure I know who the culprit is. I’ll let the snow globe gods deal with him. Yes, it’s a he.
16. I was fluent in French when I was younger, not so much anymore.
17. I love fashion but hate going shopping. I buy most of my clothes online.
18. I hate wasting time, I hate it even more when others try to waste my time. Time is precious, people.
19. I cannot stop plucking my eyebrows, eyelashes, etc… when I say pluck I don’t mean with a tweezer, I literally pull my brows and lashes out with my fingers. I think it’s a disorder called trichotillomania. Yikes!
20. I cannot handle my liquor, at all.
21. I’m a bit of a nerd but I embrace it, wholeheartedly.
22. I love to travel but I’m absolutely terrified of flying.
23. I always carry a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant in my handbag. Hey, you never know.
24. I’m in the process of completing a masters degree and although I said I wouldn’t, I’ll probably end up getting a PhD in the future.
25. I almost drowned in a pool when I was younger. Whenever I go to a pool party or the beach, I seldom get in the water. People always look at me like “what’s wrong with you, Stapha.” I’m afraid, ok.
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