Running into an ex-boyfriend is quite possibly the best way to ascertain whether you’ve truly moved on. It’s normal to feel anxious, especially if you haven’t seen one another for an extended period of time. Nothing, however, is more empowering than looking absolutely fabulous during the encounter. At least that’s what everyone says. That was not my experience…
I once had an unexpected run-in with an ex while shopping for a feminine hygiene product at CVS. My hair was pulled back and I had little-to-no makeup on. I was also bloated, which was quite visible through my Hello Kitty t-shirt. As soon as I began to feel self-conscious about my appearance, something happened and it gave me a surge of instant confidence. It was a realization that I had already come to terms with but needed to be reminded of at that moment. I’m more than my looks and I bring so much more to the table. What’s more, I don’t need him or anyone else to validate my beauty.
We spoke for about five minutes and wished one another well, then we went our separate ways. Have you ever ran into an ex when you looked less than your best? I’d love to hear about your experience…
(Picture via here)
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