Let’s have some girl chat. Do you initiate sex in your relationship? David and I will be together for a year this November and he always makes the first move. Not just when it comes to doing the deed, but all the relationship milestones that precede it: Like the first time we held hands, our first kiss, etc…
My friend told me she has no problem initiating sex in a long-term relationship. However, she’s not sure she could be as courageous with a new partner, at least not for the first encounter.
In retrospect, I rarely made the first move in past relationships. I could blame my upbringing, i.e., my family’s distaste for sexual indulgence for my reluctance. But to be completely honest, it’s because I fear rejection.
Since men are usually the initiators when it comes to sex, these two questions goes out to the ladies. How often do you initiate sex in your current relationship? Also, have you ever made the first move with a brand new partner?
Photo by Toa Heftiba via Unsplash
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