Online shopping is my ultimate stress reliever. However, there’s nothing worse than having my apparel arrive at my door looking nothing like what I saw online. If you’re an avid online shopper, you’ve likely had a similar experience. These three tips will help you shop with confidence and might even end up saving you a few bucks.
The size chart is your friend
Will it be too tight? too long? too loose? No matter what your measurement, the size chart will aid in easing your uncertainty. However, not all sizing charts are created equal. Meaning, if you’re a size 6 at one retailer, you might not be the same size at another. So use your judgment and order accordingly.
Take time to read the customer reviews
A customer review is comparable to a personal recommendation. I will not purchase an item online unless I’ve read customer feedback first. I often use them to gauge whether a seller is reputable, or whether my item fits true to size. With that said, I don’t take every customer feedback as the holy grail of truth. However, if there’s a general consensus regarding a particular item, I find from personal experience that it’s best to heed everyone’s advice.
Leave your items in your shopping cart for a few days
Are those pair of pumps you’ve been eyeing for the past month out of your price range? Just toss them in your shopping cart and walk away. Trust me. A few more days won’t kill you (you probably waited an entire month already). Depending on the retailer, you may get some encouragement to complete your purchase in the form of a discount code. Hey, sometimes it pays to be a little sneaky.
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